" Join Demi and paint your pinkies blue to show you’re against girl-to-girl bullying. Share your pic using the submit button on...

Contra o Bullying


"Join Demi and paint your pinkies blue to show you’re against girl-to-girl bullying. Share your pic using the submit button on the right or by just tagging your pic with #BluePinkyChallenge on Instagram. Want to spread the #BluePinkyChallenge? Watch our web series, HOW A DIFFERENCE IS MADE, for tips on getting your friends to join you: http://on.mtv.com/YW6Um7"

A Demi Lovato entrou na campanha contra o bullying e todas que quiserem participar postem uma foto com a unha pintada de azul (apenas o mindinho) com a tag #BluePinkyChallenge no Instagram e twitter.

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